Monday, February 1, 2010



1HUMMMMM, the people of the land wanted rain, and they saw a cloud and rejoiced. Behold, it was coming towards their tracts, winding through the hills. Their irrigation channels would be full, their fields would be green, and their season would be fruitful. But no! What is this? It is a tremendous hurricane carrying destruction on its wings! A violent blast, with dust and sand! Its fury destroys everything in its wake! Lives lost! Fields covered with sand-hills! The morning dawns on a scene of desolation! Where were those who boasted and did wrongs! There are only the ruins of their houses to witness to the past! (The people had been wiped out, and any small remnant had fled. Nothing was to be seen but the ruins of their houses.)

2HUMMMMM, the events of the past have become parables for the present and the future. If there are any to whom the signs from Nature, from within their own heart and conscience, and from the voice of Revelation, are not enough to convince, what possible kind of exposition will they accept? Each individual, each generation and each people is responsible for its good deeds and misdeeds. The laws of actions and their fruits apply; you can not blame one for another. Righteousness is the remedy. Uphold the standard of unity.

3HUMMMMM, the light of the Revelation make things clear to human, and to the world. It is harder to be patient and forgive, and yet to get wrongs righted than to bluster about and “punish the guilt” or “teach them lessons”. It may look like futility or lack of purpose, but in reality it is the highest and noblest form of courage and resolution. And it may carry out the purpose of reform and the suppression of evil even better than stern punishment.

4HUMMMMM, the Hypocrites at all times are plausible people. They present a fine exterior; they dress well; they can usually afford fine equipages; they try to win the confidence of every one, as they have no scruples in telling lies, and apparently expressing agreement with every one. Their words are fair-spoken, and as truth does not check their tongues, their flattery deception knows no bounds. But all this is on the outside. As they have no sincerity, nothing that they say or do is worth anything. The Hypocrites are like rotten timber. They have no firm character themselves, and for others they are unsafe props to rely upon. Their conscience always troubles them. If any cry is raised, they immediately get alarmed and think it is against them. Such human are worse than open enemies. Repentant and amendment are required from Hypocrites. They should turn from evil and seek the Truth. It is goodness that produces strength and prosperity.

5HUMMMMM, the downward course in evil is rapid. But the most tragic consequence is that evil persuades its victims to believe that they are pursuing good. They think evil to be their good. They go deeper and deeper into the mire, and become more and more callous. Evil protects (or thinks it protects) evil; it has really no power of protection at all, for itself or for others. If they plot against the Truth, the Truth will destroy them, just as, if they accept the Truth, the Truth will make them free. Truth is manifesting itself against all odds and the whole world is seeing. Cast off fear and take refuge in divine guidance and goodness (hummmmm).

6HUMMMMM, instruction in wisdom by means of a knowledge of life and its laws, and an understanding of wonderful universe, human see things from different angles and dispute about them; human hide real motives, and pretend to virtues which they do not possess; they may attribute such virtues to others among them and those may come to believe it themselves; human conceive likes and hatreds on insufficient grounds; human forget what they should remember, and remember what they should forget. Among human are of narrow vision and false values. Three things that hold society together are: Revelation, which commands Good and forbids Evil; Justice, which gives to each person his due; and the strong arm of the law, which maintains sanctions for evil-doers.

Justice is the central virtue, and the avoidance of both excess and defect in conduct keeps the human world balanced just as the heavenly world is kept balanced by mathematical order.

7HUMMMMM, checking human’s selfishness and narrowness of view and giving comfort and guidance; grasping selfishness which would deprive others of their just rights or seize things which do not properly belong to it. If human can get over this covetous selfishness, they achieve real prosperity in justice and truth. Retreat from false positions, advance to the right or withdraw from the wrong.

8HUMMMMM, Say: do not suppose that I am going to harm you individually or socially; the very opposite is my wish; but I cannot force you to right conduct; that must depend upon the purification of your own faith and will. It is the habit of the world to make a marked man of any who diverges from the beaten paths of their favourite sins and who pleads earnestly for the cause of Truth and righteousness. Do not persecute or mock the Teacher. This is to purge the world and give it a good start.

9HUMMMMM, some among human mock at Truth and hug Falsehood to their bosom. Every time that they do an ill deed, it make a stain or rust on their heart. The stains deepen and spread more and more, until the heart is sealed. It is such stains that stand in the way of their perceiving Truths which are obvious to others. The stain of evil deeds on their hearts sullies the mirror of their hearts, so that it does not receive the light to every heart, through signs in human’s conscience, in Nature and in Revelation. Heart is the seat of intelligent faculties and understanding as well as the seat of affections and emotions. Your soul shall be enlightened with divine wisdom, your heart and life filled with righteousness (hummmmm).

10HUMMMMM, condemnation of anti-social vices: scandal-mongering, talking or suggesting evil of men or women by word or innuendo, or behaviour, or mimicry, or sarcasm, or insult; detracting from their character behind their backs, even if the things suggested are true, where the motive is evil; and miserly hoards, blocking up the channels of economic service and charity, and the circulation of good-will among human. Woe to the man or woman who deals in scandal, in word or act, or by insults or suggestions. Woe to the practitioners of anti-social vices.

11HUMMMMM, illumination of universal light for removal of Falsehood, pretence, and illusion; for reduction of injustice or inequality, darkness or evil; there is much make –believe, and Falsehood often masquerades as Truth and is accepted as such even by those who should know better. The harmonisation of human community is the apex of human wisdom.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.


Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke

ADDRESS: 32 Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.


TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015



1HUMMMMM, O teacher! Do not worry or feel dishearten by attitude of those that accept Evil as there Good, they are hopeless. Can they profit by preaching or guidance? They have themselves deliberately rejected all guidance. Instead of resenting the preaching of Truth, they should welcome it and profit by it. Teacher, go on tilling the soil that is open to you. Dry, unpromising soil may seem to all intents and purposes dead; there is no source of water near; moisture is sucked up by the sun’s heat in a far-off ocean, and clouds are formed; winds arise; it seems as if the wind blows as it listen, drives to the dead land; the rain falls, and behold! There is life and motion and beauty everywhere! The unfolding of a new world out of an old world, that is folded up and dead.

2HUMMMMM, good is mixed with evil, knowledge with ignorance, power with arrogance; it is only when matters are brought to an issue that evil is separated distinctly from good. The evil consorts with evil, and good with good. The latent faculties in man are enough to teach him the distinction between good and evil, to warn him of the dangers that beset his life. But to awaken and stimulate them, a personal appeal is making to each individual through the ‘still small voice’ within him. Devil takes advantage of every weak point, and sometimes even human good and generous sympathies are used to decoy them into the snares of evil. The forces of evil never relax their efforts to draw their brethren deeper and deeper into the mere of sin and destruction. Every human who sees evil must speak out against it as there is always a chance that the warning may have effect and save a precious soul.

3HUMMMMM, Evil grows with what it feeds on. So goodness and felicity grow with there practice. The Good may be alone to start with, but (unlike evil ones) they get holy companions. The suggestion of some people that the teacher is possessed or inspires by evil spirits is itself the work of evil. Behind such suggestions are lying and wickedness, or at best some half-truths caught up in hearsay and twisted so as to show Good in an evil light. No Good is ever lost; the humblest Good, in word or deed, is exalted to high rank; the highest glory and power. Seek the attainment to the highest glory and power. It is the nature of Evil to work underground, to hide from the light, to plot against Righteousness. Its plots must fail.

4HUMMMMM, the evil of hypocrisy has to be dealt with in all ages. Keep clear of their wiles, but at sometime, do not hesitate to show them the error of their ways, or to put in a word in season, to penetrate their hearts and put them aright. Evil tempts man in all sorts of ways and presents seductive promises and alliances to delude him into the belief that he will be saved from the consequences. Preach, guide, instruct and show the way. Evil must cease to be evil, before it can see or enjoy good.

5HUMMMMM, Say: I do not teach unkindness and wrong-doing. Close-fisted ness and envy are among the worst forms of selfishness, and appear especially incongruous in people of power, authority, or influence, from whom is expected generosity in giving and generosity in seeing other people’s prosperity or happiness. Misuse of wealth, property, and resources is condemned in three ways; do not acquire anything wrongfully or on false pretences; do not hoard or amass wealth for its own sake but use it freely for good, whether for yourself or for your neighbours; and particularly careful not to waste it for idle purposes, but only so that it may fructify for the good of the people. I am not dazzle by your splendour, but stand out straight for Truth.

6HUMMMMM, the misleaders have used their power and influence to spread evil. The ‘right hand’ is the hand of power and authority. Instead of using it for righteous purposes, they used it for evil, - selfishly for their own advantage, and mischievously for the degradation of others. Their evil example is before you; corruption, injustice and irresponsibility. They give countenance to evils, and it becomes difficult to give them up. Selfish arrogance prevents them from mending their life and conduct. Have faith in righteousness. The responsibility is personal, and cannot be shifted on to others. Evil means a personal rebellion against truth, right and justice. Evil has no authority over you, except in so far as you deliberately choose it.

7HUMMMMM, acknowledge incontestable facts and do not ridicule the teaching of Truth. The facts touch the inner springs of your life intimately.

Cast away evil from thy land. The evil is not part of the heavenly system; it is a thing in outlawry, a self-willed rebellion. Let the good be guarded and protected against every assault of evil. Discipline in ranks, unity of plan and purpose in repelling evil, and concerted action in promoting the Truth are required.

8HUMMMMM, human that is a cynic and live an evil life deserves: - Fire of Regrets; the Home of Sorrow and Regrets. Dreadful bitter Tree grows at the bottom of the fire. – Fruits; the tree’s fruit-stalks, which should have been tender, are like the heads of devils; its produce is eaten voraciously. – Drinks; on top of the fire is a boiling mixture to cut up wrong-doers entrails. Every time wrong-doers complete a round of orgies they will return to the same game (unending chain of evil). Justice demands that those who sow evil should reap the fruit, but the punishment is due to their own conduct and not to anything external to themselves. The agony of the condemned ones will penetrate their being through and through.

Human that has faith in righteousness and live a good life deserves: - Gardens of Bliss with all their charm, design, greenery, birds’ songs and fountains, the Home of Happiness and Dignity. –Food and Fruits; in drink there is no intoxication and in fruit there is no satiety. Delicious Drinks from crystal springs, for social pleasure. – Companionship; congenial company seated on Thrones; the society of companions of the opposite sex, with beauty and charm; pure type of chaste womanhood; chaste, not bold with their glances; but their eyes are big with wonder and beauty, prefiguring grace, innocence, and a refined capacity of appreciation and admiration. The bliss of the blessed will penetrate their being through and through.

9HUMMMMM, the sun and the moon both traverse the belt of the Zodiac, and Zodiac, and their motions are different; they never catch up each other. When the sun and the moon are on the same side and on a line with the earth there is a solar eclipse, and when on opposite sides in a line, there is a lunar eclipse, but there is no clash. Similarly Night and Day follow each other, but being opposites cannot coincide, a fit emblem of the opposition of Good and Evil, Truth and Falsehood. The Day or the Light is a positive thing. The Night or Darkness is merely negative. The negative cannot be withdrawn. But withdrawing the real thing, the positive, which filled the void, nothing is left but the void. This is eminently conformable to reason and the true facts of nature.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.


Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke

ADDRESS: 32 Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.


TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015