Tuesday, January 26, 2010



1HUMMMMM, a code of the mystery of human’s life. From dead matter creative act produces life and living matter. Life and living matter again seem to reach maturity and again die. No material thing seems to have perpetual life and the cycle of life and death seems to go on. The earth itself, seemingly so inert, produces vegetable life at once from a single shower of rain, and in various ways sustains animal life. Normally it seems to die in the winter in northern climates, and in a drought everywhere, and the spring revives it in all its glory. Human physical life depends on the earth for its produce and the sky for rain, the heat of the sun, and other phenomena of nature. Rain and gifts of nature and the daily, seasonal, and secular changes are evidences of living.

2HUMMMMM, the first beginnings of social life arise through sex and love. Children arise out of the union of the sexes. And it is always the female sex that brings forth the offspring, whether female or male. And the father is as necessary as the mother for bringing forth daughters. Unregenerate man is pugnacious in the male sex, but rest and tranquillity are found in the normal relations of a father and mother dwelling together and bring up a family. The variety of forms and habits among animals is adapted to their various modes of life and stages of biological evolution.

3HUMMMMM, mind and soul (being) are used to compass the farthest reaches of Time and Space. Mankind are in different climates and countries; external conditions, and developed different languages and different shades of complexions. And yet their basic unity remains unaltered and they feel in the same way, unity beneath the diversity can be realised by extended knowledge. There are the variations in time. Old languages die out and new ones are evolved. New condition of life and thought are constantly evolving new words and expressions, new syntactical structures, and new modes of pronunciation. Even old races die, and new races are born.

4HUMMMMM, teaching and guidance, to which human must hearken. For their psychological conditions, sleep, rest, visions and insight; sleep and dreams, the refreshment human get from sleep to wakefulness as well as from wakefulness to sleep, as also the state of human thoughts and feelings and sub-conscious self in these conditions are both wonderful and mysterious. These processes suggest a background of things, an origin and destiny which is a subjective starting point. (Sleep is the cessation of the working of the nervous system, though other animal functions, such as digestion, growth, and the circulation of the blood, continue. Sleep is the repose of the nervous system, and in this respect it is common to the living. The mental processes (and certainly volition) are also suspended in sleep, except that in ordinary dreams there is a medley of recollections, which often present vividly to human consciousness things that do not or cannot happen in nature as human know it in their coordinated minds. But there is another kind of dream which is rarer – one in which the dreamer sees things as they actually happen, backwards or forwards in time.)

5HUMMMMM, do not against the laws of all nature. Yes you are gifted with great intelligence and skill and so proud of your material civilisation. The greatest material civilisation and resources may not save you from the destruction of a rain of brimstone with possibly an earthquake and a volcanic eruption. To cowards lightning and thunder appear as terrible forces of nature; lightning seems to kill and destroy where its irresistible progress is not assisted by proper lightning-conductors. But lightning is also a herald of rain bearing clouds and showers that bring fertility and prosperity in their train. Your intelligence should keep you straight and obey moral laws.

6HUMMMMM, do not build your hopes on flimsy unsubstantial things (like the spider’s web) which are broken by a thousand chance attacks of wind and weather or the actions of animals or human. Spider’s house is made up of fine silk threads spun out of silk glands in the spider’s body. There are many kinds of spiders and many kinds of spider’s houses. There is spider’s residential or family mansion which is the tubular nest or web, a silk-lined house or burrow with one or two trap doors. There is spider’s hunting box, a spider’s web, consisting of a central point with radiating threads running in all directions and acting as tie-beams to the quasi-circular concentric threads that form the body of the web. The whole structure exemplifies economy in time, material and strength. A spider always has a single thread connecting him with his web, to keep him in telephonic communication. The spider’s threads are very strong from the point of view of relativity, but in an actual world they are flimsy. The spider’s most cunning architecture cannot stand against a wave of a man’s hand. His poison glands are like the hidden poison, in this beautify worldly plans which may take various shapes but have seeds of death in them.
There are human’s frailty, false hopes, questionable motives, the mischief done by the neglect of Truth, and the way out for those who have entangled themselves in the snares of Evil. It is to get out of the spider’s web of this frail world and fulfil.

7HUMMMMM, it is to purge you of anything (act, plan, thought, motive, words) of which you should be ashamed or which would work injustice to others. Passing into your inmost life and being, for then justice can be upheld. Finding true common grounds of belief and to show by human’s urbanity, kindness, sincerity, truth, and genuine anxiety for the good of others, that you are not cranks or merely seeking selfish or questionable aims. Some men preach vicarious atonement, for, if followed to its logical conclusion, it means both injustice and irresponsibility, and puts quite a different complexion on the nature of sin in moral laws.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke
ADDRESS: 32 Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.
EMAIL: biliaminuade@gmail.com, cresparks@yahoo.com, bilileke@live.com
TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015

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