Wednesday, January 27, 2010



1HUMMMMM, a wise one is one versed in knowledge, human and divine and carrying out in practical conduct the right course in life to the utmost of his/her power. His/Her knowledge is correct and practical , but not necessarily complete, the conception of a human of heroic action as well as of deep and workman-like knowledge of nature and human nature, not merely dream or speculation. Do not misread the true signs of the times, intangible signs conveyed by History and Revelation.

2HUMMMMM, human has the faculty to subdue the forces of nature and to penetrate through high mysteries with human powers of reason and insight, safeguarded in the universe. In all things be moderate. Do not go the pace, and do not be stationary or slow. Do not be talkative and do not be silent. Do not be loud and do not be timid or half-hearted. Do not be too confident, and do not be cowed down. If you have patience, it is to give you constancy and determination that you may bravely carry on the struggle of life. If you have humility, it is to save you from unseemly swagger, not to curb your right spirit and your reasoned determination. Do not play with time nor be deceived by appearances.

3HUMMMMM, human fear each other as equals in a state of society at perpetual warfare. To remove this fear they appoint an authority among themselves –sovereign authority whom they consider just –to preserve them from this fear and give them an established order. But they must obey and revere this authority and depend upon this authority for their own tranquillity and security. Even with their equals there is always the fear of public opinion. Be kind, considerate, and courteous to parents and those in authority. All unlawful grasping of wealth at other people’s expense; economic selfishness and many kinds of sharp practices, individual, national, and international is condemned. True human wisdom is also divine wisdom; the two cannot be separated.

4HUMMMMM, winds cool and purify the air, and brings blessings of rain, which fertilises the soil. Winds help international commerce and intercourse among human through sea-ways and air-ways. Perish not in the storms, take advantage of winds and prosper. Be enlightened, acquire knowledge, make use of your intellects and do not be swayed by your passions. Be guided, as you are patient of control; and the fruits of revelation. Do not against good and eschew evil. There is constant progress for the live ones.

5HUMMMMM, gather knowledge, form judgment, and cultivate goodness. As man’s intellectual gaze over the physical world expands, he sees more and more how unity is the dominating note in the universe. The fundamental guide to good conduct, the clear rules laid down in all dispensation to help human to lead good lives. Regulate your life according to needs and circumstances. Punctilious self-respect and respect for others in small things as well as great are the key-notes in simple rules of etiquette. Make your individual, domestic, and social life all contribute to your holiness. Take human precautions and do all in your power to protect yourselves from evil.

6HUMMMMM, the light is a source of enlightenment which depends upon the perceiving faculty or intelligence. There is no darkness as intense as the darkness of not-being. A dark thing is called dark simply because it cannot appear to anyone’s vision; it never comes to exist for sight, though it may exist in itself. But that which has no existence for others nor for itself, is assuredly the very extreme of darkness. Know the nature of the Truth as against the false fancies of men.

7HUMMMMM, a home brings before human minds a picture of peace and happiness. When to it are added honour and hospitality it adds further to the idea of happiness. Bring up your family in righteousness and lead in all good. Give a lead for truth and righteousness, and give a wide berth to falsehood and to futility.

8HUMMMMM, 0 ye thinkers and reformers of the age, do not murmur and repine if your first plan seems to fail, but retrieve the position by adopting a course which appears to be the best possible in the light of your duties. You are light to illuminate the whole world, diffusing light everywhere.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke
ADDRESS: 32 Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.
TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015

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