Wednesday, January 27, 2010



1HUMMMMM, there are countless millions of stars in the universe. The first step in astronomical knowledge is to find the marvellous order, beauty, and harmony, on a scale of grandeur. The first broad belt is the Zodiac, which marks the sun’s path through the heavens year after year and the limit of the wanderings of the moon and the planets. Twelve divisions of it are called signs of the Zodiac. Each marks the solar path through the heavens as it is seen, month after month. Thus the seasons can be marked off in solar year, and express in definite laws the most important facts in meteorology, agriculture, seasonal winds and tides. Then there are the mansions of the moon, the mapping out of the constellations, and the other marvellous facts of the heavens, some of which affect human physical life on this earth.

2HUMMMMM, winds are powerful factors in the government of the physical world. Winds come gently as harbingers of the blessings of rain and fertility; winds can come as violent tornadoes, uprooting and destroying; winds can scatter seeds far and wide, and winds can separate chaff from grain, or clear the air from epidemics; and winds literally carry sound, and therefore messages. Observe the orderly flight of migratory birds or the regulated behaviour of ants, bees, and other creatures who live in communities, certainly they have means of communication with each other. The flight of birds is one of the most beautiful and wonderful things in nature. The make and arrangement of their feathers and bones, and their stream-line shapes, from beak to tail, are instances of purposive adaptation. Birds soar with outstretched wings; they dart about with folded wings; their motions upwards and downwards, as well as their stabilisation in the air, and when they rest on their feet, have given many ideas to man in the science and art of aeronautics.

3HUMMMMM, see clouds effects: thin clouds floating about in fantastic shapes, joining together and taking body and substance, then emerging as heavy clouds heaped up, which condense and pour forth their rain. Then the heavy dark clouds in the upper regions, that bring hail, - how distinct and yet how similar! They are truly like mountain masses! And when the hailstones fall, how local their area! It hits some localities and leaves free others almost interlaced! And the lightning – how blinding flashes come from thunderous clouds! Contemplate the wonder and mystery of the skies with all the countless beautiful stars and planets and lights in them, and laws of order, motion, and symmetry, that respond to the highest mathematical abstractions without a flaw.

4HUMMMMM, the great salt Ocean with its seas and gulfs is one: and the great masses of sweet water in rivers, lakes, ponds, and underground springs are also one: and each is connected with the other by the constant circulation going on, which sucks up vapours, carries them about in clouds or atmospheric moisture, and again brings them condensed into water or snow or hail to mingle with rivers and streams and get back into the Ocean. Both from the sea and from rivers and lakes human get fish, of which some kinds have a flesh particularly fresh and tenders, and of a most delicate flavour and marine creatures of all kinds. Human get the treasures of the deep: pearls, coral, amber, and such delicately tinted stones as the carnelian, the agate, the goldstone, or other varieties of quartz pebbles found in river beds, and considered as gems.

5HUMMMMM, the biggest factor affecting human in the external physical world is the light, heat, and electric or magnetic energy of the sun: the sun is the source of all the light, heat, and energy, and indeed the source and support of all the physical life. It is the biggest factor and yet most remote from human in solar system. The sun as the centre of human solar system also stands as a symbol of the present order of things. The mystery of the heavens with their countless stars and the planets obeying the laws of motion, and the sun and moon influencing the temperature and climates of the earth from thousands or millions of miles, illustrate the order and perfection in creation. The physical forces will also break up with the break-up of the sun.

6HUMMMMM, there are wonderful things in the universal creation on earth – the Grand Canyon and the Niagara in America, beautiful harbours like that at Sydney in Australia, mountains like Fujiyama, Himalayas, and Elburn in Asia, the Nile with its wonderful cataracts in Africa, the Fjords of Norway, the Geysers of Iceland, the city of the midnight’s sun in Tromsoe, and innumerable wonders everywhere. Wonders upon wonders are disclosed in the constitution of matter itself, the atom, and the forces of energy, as also in the instincts of animals, and the minds and capacities of human. Worlds upon worlds are created and transformed every moment, within and presumably beyond human’s vision. Can human judge of the unknown from what they know?

7HUMMMMM, an ignorant man may think that water absorbed in the soil or seed sown beneath the sod is lost, but it replenishes numerous rills and streams, and feeds and sustain numerous roots and forms of life, and throws up all kinds of vegetable life. So with things that come out of the earth: who can count the myriad forms of herbs and trees that grow and perish, and yet sustain a continuous life for ages and ages? See the artistry of production from rain the wonderful variety of crops and fruits – golden, green, red, yellow, and showing all most beautiful tints human can think of. And each undergoes in nature the gradual shading off in transformation from the raw stage to the stage of maturity.

8HUMMMMM, wonderful colours and shades of colours are found in rocks and mineral products – the white veins of marble and quartz or of chalk, the red laterite, the blue basaltic rocks, the ink-black flints, and all the variety, shade, and gradation of colours. ‘Azure hue’ of mountains from a distance due to atmospheric effects, and these atmospheric effects lead human thoughts to the glories of clouds, sunsets, the zodiacal light, the aurora borealis, and all kinds of nature’s gorgeous pageantry. In outer nature human can, through colours, understand and appreciate the finest shades and gradations.

9HUMMMMM, there is nothing more certain in the world; physical, moral, and spiritual, than that every cause, great or small, must have its corresponding consequences. A record is more enduring than memory: in fact (if properly preserved) it is perpetual. If, further, it is expressed in clear language, without any obscurity, it can always be read with perfect precision and without any doubt whatever. The cosmic laws are just and inevitable.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke, a world great thinker, sharing some nuggets of wisdom with the human community of the world. There is a great human revolution in this man.

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke
ADDRESS: 32 Alli Dada Street, Off Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria.
TELEPHONE: 234-8023125015

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