Sunday, August 30, 2009




HUMMMMM, A revelation from the totality of nature, HUMMMMM is the Revelation for the revival and survival of Humankind, the pinnacle of moral teaching. HUMMMMM, speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living, the Teacher, Biliaminu Adeleke, Adediran-Adegoke is one of the greatest thinkers of the 21st century. HUMMMMM, The truth and light of the nature, this Revelation gives the best code of conduct in the world.

''Our positive ability and willingness drive us a lot.''
(Adeleke Biliaminu Adediran-Adegoke)

''No matter how difficult the path of change may be, change for better is desirable.''
(Adeleke Biliaminu Adediran-Adegoke)


1HUMMMMM, Can you see the abstract things and ideas actually growing before us?
2HUMMMMM, It is natural, it is mercy, it is healing, it is long life, and it is prosperity.
3HUMMMMM, It is productivity, it is profitability, and it is hardworking.
4HUMMMMM, It is success, it is value, and it is order.
5HUMMMMM, in the beginning, in the origination of humankind, it was HUMMMMM, when a woman gives birth it is HUMMMMM.
6HUMMMMM, It is fair and humane treatment, it is justice, it is honesty, and it is love.
7HUMMMMM, It is wonders in the instincts of animals and the minds and capacities of man.
8HUMMMMM, It is the growth and development of human life, with all its capacities and responsibilities.
9HUMMMMM, It is the balance and measure in every kind of thing that is produced on the earth.
10HUMMMMM, It is the keys of life and death.
11HUMMMMM, It is the transformation of world.
12HUMMMMM, It is the personality enshrined in matter, sperm, bones and dust or ashes.
13HUMMMMM, It is humility in beauty and power before the Most High. Whose revelation discloses the summit of beauty, power, and wisdom. HUMMMMM, ALIVE EVERYBODY.
14HUMMMMM, It is the fashioning, evolving of new form and colours, and sustenance of all the energies and capacities in the universe according to various laws that has been established.
15HUMMMMM, It is the various processes of fashioning and adapting to its various functions in its various surroundings the soul underwent.
16HUMMMMM, It is the the wonders upon wonders that are disclosed in the constitution of matter, the atom, and and the forces of energies.
18HUMMMMM, Hello there, Adeleke says; “Discover HUMMMMM in you for revival and survival.”
19HUMMMMM, Excess is crime, abundance is reasonably good and lawful, moderation is normal and lawful.
20HUMMMMM, Excess is immorality, excess is inhumanity, and excess is waste, an excessive enthusiasm for football leads to hooliganism and arson. Excess is crime.
21HUMMMMM, Excess of heat energy, rain and flooding and earthquake are threats to the existence of the human race on earth. Excess is not normal! Excess is crime
22HUMMMMM, Human race needs abundance of food, mineral resources and good live. Excess is loss. Excess is crime
23HUMMMMM, Excess could be punishment, Excess is derogatory. An excess of anger can ruin a nation. Excess is crime.
24HUMMMMM, Do it right is power, use it right is power, make it right is power, learn it right is power, know it right is power, say it right is power.
25HUMMMMM, Drug addiction is weakness, drug trafficking is weakness, excessive amount of alcohol/beer consumption is weakness, cheating is weakness.
26HUMMMMM, Impatient is weakness, election rigging is weakness, stealing is weakness, bribery and corruption is weakness, excess of anger is weakness.
27HUMMMMM, Extravagant promises are corruption, extravagant claims are corruption, extravagant praises are corruption.
28HUMMMMM, Yes to peaceful, egalitarian societies in the nations of the world. Keep the peace, keep the peace, keep the peace.
29HUMMMMM is the Revelation from the totality of nature.
30HUMMMMM, Speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.
31HUMMMMM, The Teacher, Biliaminu Adeleke, Adediran-Adegoke is one of the greatest thinkers of the 21st century, a selfless Thinker.
32HUMMMMM, to look into the global problems and see how these problems can be solved.
33HUMMMMM, (speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living), It is to keep nature as pure as possible for the benefit of humanity, to be in peace and joy.
34HUMMMMM, to be without sorrow, hunger, anger and bitterness.
35HUMMMMM, Pray: HUMMMMM, cheating is weakness, I shall understand and be well such that I would not cheat, weakness is not my portion by the Grace of Most High (Amen).
36HUMMMMM, Breathing to live, the key of life. HUMMMMM, Breathe and die (that is a very hard breathe is death), the key of death.
37HUMMMMM, Female sex is lighter sex, it is not weakness, it is for support, it is for continuity and advancement of life and it is supply for demand, the joint of the nature.
38HUMMMMM, Nature is good and kind, you should use natures gifts for Most High glory, Most High, the lord of nature and gifts of the nature.
39HUMMMMM, May your joint(s) be blessed in the nature. A blessed joint is a suitable, fit, perfect, compatible and last joint. You shall not have a rough and fragile joint that collapse and separate easily by the Grace of Most High (Amen).
40HUMMMMM, Most High blow out my troubles, Most High bless me in the nature, Glory be to Most High, the Lord of the nature and gifts of the nature.
41HUMMMMM, Most High, the Creator of all in the nature, the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, praise be to Thee. You that is above all.
42HUMMMMM, The truth and light of the nature. Calm in the truth of the nature. Seek ye normality in the nature.
43HUMMMMM, Seek for blessings from the supreme hand of the nature.
44HUMMMMM, Balance in nature is the massive wealth created in the totality of nature. Creation of wealth by man at the expense of balance in nature is sin. Many are sinners and all short the glory of the nature.


1HUMMMMM, The speech. HUMMMMM, The sound. HUMMMMM, The breathing. See the blessings in the speech, the sound and the breathing. See and have your blessings.
2HUMMMMM, Perish, not in the truth and light of the nature.
3HUMMMMM, The reality in the solar system, seen and unseen.
4HUMMMMM, It is striving to make the truth and reality always the same, hold your peace.
5HUMMMMM, It is not to stirring up mischief, guile and deceit, in the alchemy of the world, repulsion of ignorance with knowledge.
6HUMMMMM, The thinker is not discouraged, when the time comes all shall be humbled before Most High.
7HUMMMMM, Most High, I yield to your callings in my widest contemplation of your beauty in the totality of the nature. In my deep purify thought; I seek for sanity in our world. Heal us of our sickness and weakness and uphold justice on us.
8HUMMMMM, Say: Yes, I follow my nature but I do not worship powers of nature, science, art, idols, stars, talent, intellect, wealth or powers. I pursue not mere phantoms of the mind. My worship and prayer are justified only to my Lord, my God, Most High; Sustainer of the Worlds.
9HUMMMMM, Those whose heart is not dead withdraw from the wrong and advance to the right. Surely, frothy knowledge will disappear, but the truth will endure.
10HUMMMMM, There are Holy Books for Christians, Muslims and Others; this is revelation for existence of humanity. It is a complete way of life; reality; seen and unseen. (I believe we can do it, we can make it, in harmony with our past, present and future. The hypocrites are untrue to themselves, and therefore their hearts are diseased. The disease tends to spread, like all evil. They are curable, but if they harden their hearts, they soon pass into the category of those who deliberately reject light. HUMMMMM, The truth and light of the nature.
11HUMMMMM, Life is (like) a race in which all zealously run forward to the goal of good in whatever circumstances, at whatever time, in whatever place. In all things, your standard should be, not selfishness but the good of the nation. Seek the path of goodness, kindness, and upright conduct, with truth, courage and careful planning, to advance the good of the worlds.
12HUMMMMM, Creation take so many forms and shapes, not only in the material world but in the world of human’s thought and expression. Many good and wise institutions gradually become obsolete; the gradual process of disuse in evolution.
13HUMMMMM, Fasting is prescribed to you for fifty-two days in a year. This may be observed once every week. Seek the path of healthiness, kindness and upright conduct. Faith means hope, activity, striving steadfastly on the goal of good; live, thrive and rejoice.

14HUMMMMM, Faith must go with justice, sincerity and moderation in speech, the test of true faith is not in mere lip profession, but bringing all your doubts and disputes to the one in whom you profess faith. Further, when a decision is given, you are not only to accept it, but find in your in most souls no difficulty and no resistance, but on the contrary a joyful acceptance springing from the conviction of your own faith. How can it be a burden? It is merely a response to the demand of your own healthy nature, sustenance; physical, intellectual, spiritual - everything pertaining to life and growth..
15HUMMMMM, People of faith are glad to retrace their steps from any lapses of which they may have been guilty. They acknowledge their wrongs, give them up and resolve to eschew them for the future. Your badge is sincerity and truth; love and support the truth. Believe that if you help and support a good cause, you share in all its credit and in its eventual victory. And conversely, you cannot support a bad cause without sharing in all its evil consequences.
16HUMMMMM, Look to external nature on the earth around you, your own nature, physical, mental and spiritual, the starry heavens, and the glory of the sun, and the interdependence of the earth, air and sky in the cycle of water. The laws of order, motion, and symmetry, that responds to the highest mathematical abstractions without a flaw is seen in the skies. The clouds, rain and abundant harvests knit sky, earth and human together, Speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.17HUMMMMM, The power of will or choosing has by human-kind, when used aright; give them to some extent mastery over their own fortunes and over nature. Some humans have the power of initiative


1HUMMMMM, Most High bless me all times, direct and guide my steps. You are my strength. In all these things I am more than conqueror through Thee. Blow out corruptions in my live. Give me success in every good thing I do. Thank you lord, Sustainer of the words.
2HUMMMMM, See, hears and understands you shall be guided. Guard your soul against all temptation.
3HUMMMMM, It is to solve modern world’s problems that would bring the world the much needed peace and happiness. It is for the well-being of humanity, the pinnacle of moral teachings.
4HUMMMMM, Surely falsehood is ever bound to vanish, the process of Truth is irreversible.
5HUMMMMM, O people! Do not misunderstand the thinker, do not misrepresent his utterances and do not misinterpret his teachings. Influential, successful and great thinker he would be. Not unfortunate one.
6HUMMMMM, This Revelation is a miracle, and stands on its own merits. The unity of goal with diversity of races, traditions and temperaments, passing of the theme of unity in diversity, in nature and in the social laws of human society, Truths that only gradually unfold themselves to humanity.
7HUMMMMM, They speak of love and justice, but practiced gross selfishness between class and class, sex and sex, condition and condition; And had perverted their language into jargons of empty elegance and unmeaning futility. They must abandon their wrong conducts and make amends.
8HUMMMMM, It is to see good, peace and harmony and purged out Evil, rebellion and conflict. Obey in the letter and in the spirit and do not get fossilized.
9HUMMMMM, The thinker is endowed with understanding, his affections is purified, and he is given spiritual insight; so that he should understand nature. It is a zeal for the conquest of mysteries of nature.
10HUMMMMM, This is systematic as opposed to spasmodic or chance action; smoothness as opposed to roughness; symmetry as opposed to want of plan; equality or proportion as opposed to want of design; rectitude as opposed to crookedness; a mean as opposed to extremes; and fitness as opposed to faultiness.
11HUMMMMM, Happiness and the attainment of your good wishes are your prosperity; you shall be prospering in peace, tranquility, and harmony (amen). Wisdom is rare, only wisdom appreciates true well-being and distinguishes it from the false appearance of well-being. Greed and selfishness is strongly condemned.
12HUMMMMM, Righteousness comes from a secure faith, sincerity and unselfish service to humanity. Hold fast by faith and lead a good life. Dejected not, neither lose heart nor give up the struggle. All is, will be, and must be, right in the end.
13HUMMMMM, Salvation is the supreme achievement, the attainment of all desires, and the felicity in excellence. Salvation only comes through living in the truth and light of the nature (physical, human and Most High).



1HUMMMMM, Wrestle not with the truth and light of the nature.

2HUMMMMM, Nobody can shed human blood to turn green land or blue sky to red. Some things are luminous as there are non-luminous things, the truth and light of the nature.

3HUMMMMM, Lord, God, Most High – Life reference, for human brain is highly
developed in thinking and speech.

4HUMMMMM, Human’s hopes, happiness and success are in the truth and light of the nature. The moral law, therein, follows from the needs of human’s nature and the result of human’s experience.

5HUMMMMM, Corrupt officials oppress their fellow-human by means of fraud. Many natures are dwarfed or starved and turned from their original instincts by cruel superstitions or customs. Be of pure and true faith and right conducts; stand firm for justice.

6HUMMMMM, You may have to fight and put down evil (of corruptions), but never in a spirit of malice or hatred, but always in a spirit of justice and righteousness. Help each other in righteousness.
7HUMMMMM, It is wise to have a healthy community, a crime free community and a peaceful community. Wisdom is rare.

8HUMMMMM, You are living, you are breathing, you are making sounds. You walk on land; you do not hear the land. You fly in the sky; you do not hear the sky. You climb hills; you do not hear the hills. You sail in the sea; you do not hear the sea. You breathe air, you do not hear air. Listen, listen, and listen to nature and the world. Speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.



1HUMMMMM, Intellectual curiosity is increasing, conceptual and manipulative skills with applications are developing, then derive satisfaction, enjoyment and confidence from the understanding of the revelation from the totality of nature.

2HUMMMMM, This is true faith; sincerely, supported by reason, and backed up by righteous conducts. Neither turn away your eyes from the signs nor turn a deaf ear to the message. The true path is the even path, the path of rectitude.

3HUMMMMM, This is a divine direction providing solutions to all worries. Pray; I have found solutions to my worries, it shall work for me, my community and the world in discovering and optimizing my positive abilities in life to be blessed richly in HUMMMMM (Amen).

4HUMMMMM, In faithfulness and truthfulness, help come from the totality of nature, overcome all temptations, unto you power and you shall not be hurt, strength and enablement be with you. (Amen)

5HUMMMMM, Giant of nations can be defeated but it is almost impossible to conquer heart of nations, strive for your country to be Hummmmm heart of the nations.

6HUMMMMM, False are the oaths of the Hypocrites among human: they only seek selfish ends. They think they deceive with their fair exteriors and plausible talk, but their minds are impervious to the real Truth.

7HUMMMMM, Do important work, it could be better, why not? You are challenge to be successful, Hummmmm (Amen). As the Revelation (plans for good and not for evil) get through you, you are safe and secure, hopeful, and fulfill, Hummmmm (Amen).

8HUMMMMM, Sin is a sort of oppression of humans by humans. You are not to be exploited, deceived, defrauded, or doped with things to lull your intelligence. Physical endowments (food, clothing, houses, gardens, wealth), intangible endowments (influence, power, birth and opportunities flowing from it, health, talents) and spiritual endowments (insight into good and evil, understanding of humans, the capacity of love) are to be used in humility and moderation.

9HUMMMMM, This is to take human away from false mental attitude of the days of tribalism, feuds, and selfish accentuation of differences in human, towards the true attitude of unity. True virtue lies in practical deeds of manliness, kindness, and good faith.



1HUMMMMM, This Revelation is to ease the difficulties of heart and mind and teach human, moderation and justice. Understanding(of the Revelation) is a higher faculty than knowledge, and is necessary for seeing the mystery and meaning of this life.

2HUMMMMM, The task is carrying out with discretion and the skill of a spiritual Teacher; looking into various, human’s psychology, the background of human’s life, human’s hidden or repressed feelings, tendencies, or history, human’s hereditary dispositions or antipathies, and all the subtle influences of human’s education and environment for the purpose of leading to the truth and gradually letting in spiritual light where there was darkness before.

3HUMMMMM, Perhaps the lead in every centre of population is taken by the men of evil. But the good men should not be discouraged. They should work in righteousness and fulfill
their mission. Remember; humility is the antidote to many vices and the fountains of many virtues

4HUMMMMM, Guilt and crime must not indulge in mean spite and bitter recriminations against accomplices. Earlier human’s generations committed a double crime of their own sins, and the bad example they set for those that followed. The later generations commit a double crime of their own sins, and their failure to learn from the past, from the experiences of those who preceded them. There is chance of repentance and reformation.

5HUMMMMM, Do not turn a deaf ear to the dictates of justice and kindness. Shun injustice and oppression, high-handedness to the poor and the weak, and fraud under cover of religion. Arrogance, jealousy, and rebellion are triple crime of devil.

6HUMMMMM, Look up for the radiance of guidance and safety. Work on removal of troubles and affliction for hope in every difficulty and ease. In the midst of affliction, learn patience and constancy. In freedom, learn humility, justice and righteous deeds of prosperity. Right and justice are of the essence of power. Blessings are to your household, the good, the chosen and the pious. This is the direction of hopes.

7HUMMMMM, The light illumines every human, the illusion is breaking, and the falsehood are all showing up; victory in adverse circumstances, a defeat of the forces of unfaithfulness, injustice, and oppression. It is to check human greed and selfishness, expose all false trickery and establish the Truth. Look within yourselves to see the root of evil, and the cause of corruptions.

8HUMMMMM, This is not polite reminders, with an eye to the flattery of weakness in high places or national vanities or crowd passions, it is to bring out every foible into the glare light. Obedience, discipline, zeal, faith, and gratitude are the true passports to success and protection from the assaults of evil.



1HUMMMMM, What is the end of the calamity?; good or evil or human delusion. Put not your faculties into wrong use and do not willfully deaf or even openly rebellious to the sign and Revelation; HUMMMMM.

2HUMMMMM, Examine your own souls, see if you do not really find something unusual in the Revelation. Resist not the convictions of the whole world and do not reject a message for the transformation of the whole world to a better one.

3HUMMMMM, Spread the Truth across to the uttermost ends of the earth. Make your nation to become the seat of heroic actions and plans and the nursery of great and noble heroic-deeds that could be resounded throughout the world.

4HUMMMMM, See signs in nature, in your hearts, and in the Revelation. There are wonderful things in nature and with human’s skill and intelligence, utilities are produced so that human’s life would not be precarious on sea or land or in the air. The natural laws of gravity would lead to the destruction of any who attempted to pass through sea or air but human has the intelligence and ingenuity to construct and manage sea-craft and air-craft. Beware of the consequences of your pass, and guard against the consequences in your future. The present is only a fleeting moment poised between the pass and the future, and gone even while it is being mentioned or thought about. Maintain unity and discipline, and perform the duty that comes to you.

5HUMMMMM, It is not only a duty, but a precious privilege, to serve a great cause by personal self-sacrifice. A wish for organized and effective efforts to solve the problems of human poverty and misery.

6HUMMMMM, In mathematical science this is like a letter or formula which sum up a long course of reasoning. In the graphic arts this is like a Lotus in Buddhism, which expresses a whole complex of emotional or religious experiences. In music this is like the characteristics notes in Raga.

7HUMMMMM, Human may deeply engrossed in some particular things and for the time being be quite unconscious of other things. Human knowledge is subject to time, and is obliterated by time. The most permanent human record may be quite intelligible to those who make it but may be ambiguous to others and may become unintelligible with the progress of time. HUMMMMM endures forever, it is independent of time, or place, or circumstances.

Sunday, August 23, 2009



1HUMMMMM, Good it is when pilling up of wealth is for use and service to those who need it as it does not block up the channels of economic service and charity, and the circulation of good-will among human.

2HUMMMMM, Leaders that can save a nation from disaster or perdition possess balanced good sense that stands firm to virtue, not dazzle by the lusts and pleasures of the world, not deter by fear from boldly condemning wrong if it is fashionable or customary. The scarcity of such leaders and the rejection of the few who stand out can bring ruin to nations. False leaders are arrogant and bound up in their sins, and prefer deception to Truth. Many sin against their own intelligence, and follow the false leader like cattle without intelligence. Succumb not to the evil around you, peace comes from purity and right conducts.

3HUMMMMM, It is to combat some corruption and iniquity. The sinful grow and multiply, and become scornful. Neither suffering nor affluence teaches them the lessons which they are meant to learn; patient and humility, gratitude and kindness to others. They take adversity and prosperity alike as a matter of chance. Do not bow to worldly greed or ambition, which produces fear of worldly power. Greed produces no real satisfaction; and it will brand your backs, the source of your stability and strength. Wealth which might have added to your stability and strength, destroys, by its misuse, your stability and strength. Deserve before you desire.

4HUMMMMM, What is due process without due order and balance in the economy of a national plan? A nation should have compass, direction or purpose that can stand. The Revelation teaches the Truth, gives advice, direction and warning, as to how human should govern their lives, awakes human conscience and recalls to them the working of laws of nature in human affairs. Every kind of thing is produced on the earth in due balance and measure. Wisdom is rare.

5HUMMMMM, Human has been endowed with various faculties and capacities, so that human should strive and explore in Truth. When a call is made on behalf of a great cause, the fortunate ones are those who have the privilege of responding to the call. The unfortunate ones are those who are so engrossed in parochial affairs that they turn a deaf ear to the appeal. General prosperity would follow establishment of a peace and good government.

6HUMMMMM, Look upon a Covenant as a solemn thing, not to be entered into except with the sincerest intention of carrying it out; and it is binding even if large numbers are ranged against it. Do not make your politic merely a game of making your own party numerically strong by alliances cemented by oaths, which you readily break when a more numerous party offers you its alliance. Disagreements need not necessarily cause conflict where the parties are sincere and honest and do not wish to take advantage of one another. Do not go by numbers, groupings, and alliances, but by just conduct as in the Truth.

7HUMMMMM, The forces of disruption are more numerous than the forces of unity. This is an effort at building up unity according to the needs of the world, and covers all human struggles, disputes, and fights.

8HUMMMMM, Worldly power, glory, wealth, position, and all that men scramble for test a man’s sterling quality. They are but a fleeting shows, man should not becomes their slave. He who uses them if he gets them, and does not fall into despair if he does not get them, shows his true mettle and quality. Men’s true accusers are their own deeds.

9HUMMMMM, With the best goodwill and the most honest enquiry you might reach different conclusions, do not waste your time in vain or barren controversies, but get on to the practical business of life. In Truth, there is full knowledge of the things that seem to you so strange or inconsistent, or inexplicable, or that produced different impressions on different minds. Do not be afraid to speak out openly, and protest the truth of Unity which you clearly see in your own mind and heart. May you be protected from the persecution and violence of the heathen, may your difficulties be solved and have ease and comfort, Hummmmm (Amen).



1HUMMMMM, Truth unfolds itself gradually. The Revelation is worthy to explain, and exemplify its meaning. Its true meaning and purpose gradually unfold themselves to the world. Seek for advancement in your knowledge, which can never at any given moment be complete. Constant effort is necessary to keep your knowledge square with the march of time.

2HUMMMMM, When your old knowledge is exhausted and you comes to the brink of new knowledge, you have a feeling of strangeness, heaviness, and difficulty, as you wants to pass the new knowledge by and does not make it your own. As you are sustained, you must retrace your steps, and seek the accredited repository of the knowledge which is your quest. Make efforts to seek out the knowledge and reap the goodness which your knowledge, instruction, and experience entitle you to attain.

3HUMMMMM, If there is a matter of clear knowledge from experience that matters, you must openly proclaim it, that the world may be bought to listen to Truth. The whole stock of the knowledge of the present day, in the sciences and the arts, and in literature, does not include all knowledge. Man’s knowledge is not so perfect that it can not receive further additions. True knowledge is ever green, fresh, and flourishing, ever in contact with life as it is actually lived, it is drawn out of the living sources of life. Yes!, in Truth, man has intelligence and the faculties by which he can tame the more unruly forces of nature and tame evil with wisdom, Hummmmm.

4HUMMMMM, There are paradoxes in life: apparent loss may be real gain; apparent cruelty may be real mercy; returning good for evil may really be justice and not generosity. The Revelation has the secrets of the paradoxes of life, which human may not understand, or understand in a wrong sense. In geometry, the perfect circle is an ideal . Any given circle that can be drawn is not so perfect that one cannot be drawn closer to the ideal. So in life there is always the hope of drawing closer and closer to Truth.

5HUMMMMM, There is intelligence, true insight, and the divine light in the sun. Shadows – Creations of the imagination, or projections from other things and dependent on the other things for their existence, as shadows are to substance. The shadows are longest and therefore most prominent when the sun is level, and tend to disappear as the sun approaches the zenith. It is to discover the power and goodness behind all strength, skill, and intelligence.

6HUMMMMM, The processes of nature sub serve human’s use and refined life. Human sustenance include fine and varied things on land and in sea and air, in the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, enchanting fields of knowledge and spiritual endeavour in human individual and social lives, for human physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual growth and development, in Truth, according to human needs and capacities. Look at life with a serious eye: be devoted to Truth.

7HUMMMMM, An addition to world’s stock of knowledge, timeless and universal, an endless chain of illumination in which ordinary knowledge dissolves as if it were ignorance. It exposes the hollow pretensions of some superficial thinkers who pursue mirages, which reject the light that shows the Truth, and deceives with Falsehood. Truth will endure and come to its own while Falsehood will be destroyed.



1HUMMMMM, Much mischief is caused (sometimes unwittingly) by people who think that they have a mission of peace, when they have not even a true perception of right and wrong. By their blind arrogance they depress the good and encourage the evil. Some men have petty standards of judging right by success, a selfishness that gives nothing but asks for all, a narrow-mindedness that does not go beyond petty mundane calculations. (The local atmosphere called for the greatest courage and firmness to carry out the dangerous mission which had been entrusted to the thinker. The Lord is doing it with bean cake not machine gun and rockets.)

2HUMMMMM, Wave upon wave of selfish passions darken some men’s souls. Among human are those who worship their own passions or impulses or desires and they are the most hopeless to teach or lead or guide. They have killed their instincts and unwilling to submit to guidance. Reason cannot prevail over blind passion but the Revelation is killing mad desires in them so that they can be guided. So much spiritual wisdom is enshrined in the Revelation.

3HUMMMMM, Observe purity in act and in thought concerning yourself and concerning others. Strength and enablement keep that purity spotless (in thought, word and deed). There are snares spread in the path of the good. Evil plans mischief to delude simple folk who mean no harm in their own minds but who by thoughtlessness are delude step by step to become the instruments of Evil. Human be on guard against the traps of Evil. Truth can save.


It is a calling for a healthy human community, a crime free community and a peaceful community. The truth is not bitter as we should not compromise peace.

It is a corrective, a reformation and a guidance to human activity. This is not to ridicule, embarrass or favour any human religion or anybody.
HUMMMMM, It is wise to have a healthy community, a crime free community and a peaceful community. WISDOM IS RARE.

This is the beginning of a new era in the history of humanity.
-Biliaminu Adeleke, Adediran-Adegoke

Biliaminu Adeleke Adediran-Adegoke presented a revelation from the totality of nature on internet in 2007, in his website with URL:

A great human revolution in him is helping to achieve a change in the life of humankind. The great thinker rise to merge faiths of the world, one human community, into one. He views religion in its totality as a unified, integrated human activity. He enlightens human kind from the perspective of one who is always searching for wisdom; wisdom is rare. He sensitized the specialists that have intellectual and personal passion in faiths and discoveries in a rapidly modernizing world. He is an influence in human civilization and psychology.

It is to transform one human community of the world to a better one.

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