Sunday, August 23, 2009



1HUMMMMM, Good it is when pilling up of wealth is for use and service to those who need it as it does not block up the channels of economic service and charity, and the circulation of good-will among human.

2HUMMMMM, Leaders that can save a nation from disaster or perdition possess balanced good sense that stands firm to virtue, not dazzle by the lusts and pleasures of the world, not deter by fear from boldly condemning wrong if it is fashionable or customary. The scarcity of such leaders and the rejection of the few who stand out can bring ruin to nations. False leaders are arrogant and bound up in their sins, and prefer deception to Truth. Many sin against their own intelligence, and follow the false leader like cattle without intelligence. Succumb not to the evil around you, peace comes from purity and right conducts.

3HUMMMMM, It is to combat some corruption and iniquity. The sinful grow and multiply, and become scornful. Neither suffering nor affluence teaches them the lessons which they are meant to learn; patient and humility, gratitude and kindness to others. They take adversity and prosperity alike as a matter of chance. Do not bow to worldly greed or ambition, which produces fear of worldly power. Greed produces no real satisfaction; and it will brand your backs, the source of your stability and strength. Wealth which might have added to your stability and strength, destroys, by its misuse, your stability and strength. Deserve before you desire.

4HUMMMMM, What is due process without due order and balance in the economy of a national plan? A nation should have compass, direction or purpose that can stand. The Revelation teaches the Truth, gives advice, direction and warning, as to how human should govern their lives, awakes human conscience and recalls to them the working of laws of nature in human affairs. Every kind of thing is produced on the earth in due balance and measure. Wisdom is rare.

5HUMMMMM, Human has been endowed with various faculties and capacities, so that human should strive and explore in Truth. When a call is made on behalf of a great cause, the fortunate ones are those who have the privilege of responding to the call. The unfortunate ones are those who are so engrossed in parochial affairs that they turn a deaf ear to the appeal. General prosperity would follow establishment of a peace and good government.

6HUMMMMM, Look upon a Covenant as a solemn thing, not to be entered into except with the sincerest intention of carrying it out; and it is binding even if large numbers are ranged against it. Do not make your politic merely a game of making your own party numerically strong by alliances cemented by oaths, which you readily break when a more numerous party offers you its alliance. Disagreements need not necessarily cause conflict where the parties are sincere and honest and do not wish to take advantage of one another. Do not go by numbers, groupings, and alliances, but by just conduct as in the Truth.

7HUMMMMM, The forces of disruption are more numerous than the forces of unity. This is an effort at building up unity according to the needs of the world, and covers all human struggles, disputes, and fights.

8HUMMMMM, Worldly power, glory, wealth, position, and all that men scramble for test a man’s sterling quality. They are but a fleeting shows, man should not becomes their slave. He who uses them if he gets them, and does not fall into despair if he does not get them, shows his true mettle and quality. Men’s true accusers are their own deeds.

9HUMMMMM, With the best goodwill and the most honest enquiry you might reach different conclusions, do not waste your time in vain or barren controversies, but get on to the practical business of life. In Truth, there is full knowledge of the things that seem to you so strange or inconsistent, or inexplicable, or that produced different impressions on different minds. Do not be afraid to speak out openly, and protest the truth of Unity which you clearly see in your own mind and heart. May you be protected from the persecution and violence of the heathen, may your difficulties be solved and have ease and comfort, Hummmmm (Amen).

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