Sunday, August 23, 2009



1HUMMMMM, Truth unfolds itself gradually. The Revelation is worthy to explain, and exemplify its meaning. Its true meaning and purpose gradually unfold themselves to the world. Seek for advancement in your knowledge, which can never at any given moment be complete. Constant effort is necessary to keep your knowledge square with the march of time.

2HUMMMMM, When your old knowledge is exhausted and you comes to the brink of new knowledge, you have a feeling of strangeness, heaviness, and difficulty, as you wants to pass the new knowledge by and does not make it your own. As you are sustained, you must retrace your steps, and seek the accredited repository of the knowledge which is your quest. Make efforts to seek out the knowledge and reap the goodness which your knowledge, instruction, and experience entitle you to attain.

3HUMMMMM, If there is a matter of clear knowledge from experience that matters, you must openly proclaim it, that the world may be bought to listen to Truth. The whole stock of the knowledge of the present day, in the sciences and the arts, and in literature, does not include all knowledge. Man’s knowledge is not so perfect that it can not receive further additions. True knowledge is ever green, fresh, and flourishing, ever in contact with life as it is actually lived, it is drawn out of the living sources of life. Yes!, in Truth, man has intelligence and the faculties by which he can tame the more unruly forces of nature and tame evil with wisdom, Hummmmm.

4HUMMMMM, There are paradoxes in life: apparent loss may be real gain; apparent cruelty may be real mercy; returning good for evil may really be justice and not generosity. The Revelation has the secrets of the paradoxes of life, which human may not understand, or understand in a wrong sense. In geometry, the perfect circle is an ideal . Any given circle that can be drawn is not so perfect that one cannot be drawn closer to the ideal. So in life there is always the hope of drawing closer and closer to Truth.

5HUMMMMM, There is intelligence, true insight, and the divine light in the sun. Shadows – Creations of the imagination, or projections from other things and dependent on the other things for their existence, as shadows are to substance. The shadows are longest and therefore most prominent when the sun is level, and tend to disappear as the sun approaches the zenith. It is to discover the power and goodness behind all strength, skill, and intelligence.

6HUMMMMM, The processes of nature sub serve human’s use and refined life. Human sustenance include fine and varied things on land and in sea and air, in the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, enchanting fields of knowledge and spiritual endeavour in human individual and social lives, for human physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual growth and development, in Truth, according to human needs and capacities. Look at life with a serious eye: be devoted to Truth.

7HUMMMMM, An addition to world’s stock of knowledge, timeless and universal, an endless chain of illumination in which ordinary knowledge dissolves as if it were ignorance. It exposes the hollow pretensions of some superficial thinkers who pursue mirages, which reject the light that shows the Truth, and deceives with Falsehood. Truth will endure and come to its own while Falsehood will be destroyed.

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