Sunday, August 30, 2009


1HUMMMMM, The speech. HUMMMMM, The sound. HUMMMMM, The breathing. See the blessings in the speech, the sound and the breathing. See and have your blessings.
2HUMMMMM, Perish, not in the truth and light of the nature.
3HUMMMMM, The reality in the solar system, seen and unseen.
4HUMMMMM, It is striving to make the truth and reality always the same, hold your peace.
5HUMMMMM, It is not to stirring up mischief, guile and deceit, in the alchemy of the world, repulsion of ignorance with knowledge.
6HUMMMMM, The thinker is not discouraged, when the time comes all shall be humbled before Most High.
7HUMMMMM, Most High, I yield to your callings in my widest contemplation of your beauty in the totality of the nature. In my deep purify thought; I seek for sanity in our world. Heal us of our sickness and weakness and uphold justice on us.
8HUMMMMM, Say: Yes, I follow my nature but I do not worship powers of nature, science, art, idols, stars, talent, intellect, wealth or powers. I pursue not mere phantoms of the mind. My worship and prayer are justified only to my Lord, my God, Most High; Sustainer of the Worlds.
9HUMMMMM, Those whose heart is not dead withdraw from the wrong and advance to the right. Surely, frothy knowledge will disappear, but the truth will endure.
10HUMMMMM, There are Holy Books for Christians, Muslims and Others; this is revelation for existence of humanity. It is a complete way of life; reality; seen and unseen. (I believe we can do it, we can make it, in harmony with our past, present and future. The hypocrites are untrue to themselves, and therefore their hearts are diseased. The disease tends to spread, like all evil. They are curable, but if they harden their hearts, they soon pass into the category of those who deliberately reject light. HUMMMMM, The truth and light of the nature.
11HUMMMMM, Life is (like) a race in which all zealously run forward to the goal of good in whatever circumstances, at whatever time, in whatever place. In all things, your standard should be, not selfishness but the good of the nation. Seek the path of goodness, kindness, and upright conduct, with truth, courage and careful planning, to advance the good of the worlds.
12HUMMMMM, Creation take so many forms and shapes, not only in the material world but in the world of human’s thought and expression. Many good and wise institutions gradually become obsolete; the gradual process of disuse in evolution.
13HUMMMMM, Fasting is prescribed to you for fifty-two days in a year. This may be observed once every week. Seek the path of healthiness, kindness and upright conduct. Faith means hope, activity, striving steadfastly on the goal of good; live, thrive and rejoice.

14HUMMMMM, Faith must go with justice, sincerity and moderation in speech, the test of true faith is not in mere lip profession, but bringing all your doubts and disputes to the one in whom you profess faith. Further, when a decision is given, you are not only to accept it, but find in your in most souls no difficulty and no resistance, but on the contrary a joyful acceptance springing from the conviction of your own faith. How can it be a burden? It is merely a response to the demand of your own healthy nature, sustenance; physical, intellectual, spiritual - everything pertaining to life and growth..
15HUMMMMM, People of faith are glad to retrace their steps from any lapses of which they may have been guilty. They acknowledge their wrongs, give them up and resolve to eschew them for the future. Your badge is sincerity and truth; love and support the truth. Believe that if you help and support a good cause, you share in all its credit and in its eventual victory. And conversely, you cannot support a bad cause without sharing in all its evil consequences.
16HUMMMMM, Look to external nature on the earth around you, your own nature, physical, mental and spiritual, the starry heavens, and the glory of the sun, and the interdependence of the earth, air and sky in the cycle of water. The laws of order, motion, and symmetry, that responds to the highest mathematical abstractions without a flaw is seen in the skies. The clouds, rain and abundant harvests knit sky, earth and human together, Speech of the nature, sound and breathing of the living.17HUMMMMM, The power of will or choosing has by human-kind, when used aright; give them to some extent mastery over their own fortunes and over nature. Some humans have the power of initiative

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