Sunday, August 30, 2009


1HUMMMMM, Most High bless me all times, direct and guide my steps. You are my strength. In all these things I am more than conqueror through Thee. Blow out corruptions in my live. Give me success in every good thing I do. Thank you lord, Sustainer of the words.
2HUMMMMM, See, hears and understands you shall be guided. Guard your soul against all temptation.
3HUMMMMM, It is to solve modern world’s problems that would bring the world the much needed peace and happiness. It is for the well-being of humanity, the pinnacle of moral teachings.
4HUMMMMM, Surely falsehood is ever bound to vanish, the process of Truth is irreversible.
5HUMMMMM, O people! Do not misunderstand the thinker, do not misrepresent his utterances and do not misinterpret his teachings. Influential, successful and great thinker he would be. Not unfortunate one.
6HUMMMMM, This Revelation is a miracle, and stands on its own merits. The unity of goal with diversity of races, traditions and temperaments, passing of the theme of unity in diversity, in nature and in the social laws of human society, Truths that only gradually unfold themselves to humanity.
7HUMMMMM, They speak of love and justice, but practiced gross selfishness between class and class, sex and sex, condition and condition; And had perverted their language into jargons of empty elegance and unmeaning futility. They must abandon their wrong conducts and make amends.
8HUMMMMM, It is to see good, peace and harmony and purged out Evil, rebellion and conflict. Obey in the letter and in the spirit and do not get fossilized.
9HUMMMMM, The thinker is endowed with understanding, his affections is purified, and he is given spiritual insight; so that he should understand nature. It is a zeal for the conquest of mysteries of nature.
10HUMMMMM, This is systematic as opposed to spasmodic or chance action; smoothness as opposed to roughness; symmetry as opposed to want of plan; equality or proportion as opposed to want of design; rectitude as opposed to crookedness; a mean as opposed to extremes; and fitness as opposed to faultiness.
11HUMMMMM, Happiness and the attainment of your good wishes are your prosperity; you shall be prospering in peace, tranquility, and harmony (amen). Wisdom is rare, only wisdom appreciates true well-being and distinguishes it from the false appearance of well-being. Greed and selfishness is strongly condemned.
12HUMMMMM, Righteousness comes from a secure faith, sincerity and unselfish service to humanity. Hold fast by faith and lead a good life. Dejected not, neither lose heart nor give up the struggle. All is, will be, and must be, right in the end.
13HUMMMMM, Salvation is the supreme achievement, the attainment of all desires, and the felicity in excellence. Salvation only comes through living in the truth and light of the nature (physical, human and Most High).

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